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Object: EHL7.HL7Vendors

FileName: EHL7.dll




Name: ExportVendor()


1.strVendorID (String) the GUID of the vendor to export.
2.strFileName (String) a fully qualified file and pathname.

Returns: Boolean

Description: You can export a vendor from one installation of EasyHL7 into a file of type (*.ehv) and import it again into a different installation, at a customers site for instance.  The file passed in strFilename must not exist.


*NOTE* A runtime or Development license is required for this method to work successfully.  It is disabled in 'DEMO' mode.



Private Sub VendorTest()

Dim myVendorObj As New EHL7.HL7Vendors

Dim strVendorID As String

Dim strFileName As String

Dim v1() As String

Dim v2() As String

Dim i As Long

myVendorObj.VendorPath = "C:\EasyHL7\"

strFileName = "C:\EasyHL7\Default23.ehv"

strVendorID = myVendorObj.GetVendorID("Default","2.3")

If Dir$(strFileName) <> "" Then

    Kill strFileName

End If

If Not myVendorObj.ExportVendor(strVendorID, strFileName) Then

   MsgBox myVendorObj.LastError

   Exit Sub

End If

MsgBox "Vendor was exported successfully"

End Sub