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Object: EHL7Interface.eUtilities

FileName: EHL7Interface.dll




Name: GetVendorID()

Parameters:    1) strVendorName (String) the text name of the vendor

2) strVersion (String) a string representing which HL7 version to open.

Returns: String 

Description: This method returns the GUID ID of the Vendor on success or an empty string ("") on failure.  It is identical to the GetVendorID() method in the HL7Vendors object.



Private Sub VendorTest()

Dim myVendorObj As New EHL7Interface.eUtilities

Dim strVendorID As String

myVendorObj.VendorPath = "C:\EasyHL7"

strVendorID = myVendorObj.GetVendorID("Default","2.3")

If strVendorID = "" Then

    MsgBox myVendorObj.LastError

    Set myVendorObj = Nothing

    Exit Sub


    MsgBox strVendorID

End If

End Sub


See Also: VendorPath, OpenVendor()