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Object: EHL7.EHL7Processor

FileName: EHL7.dll




Name: SaveProfile()

Parameters: None

Returns: Boolean

Description: Saves a profile to the filename designated in the IniFileName property.



'Declare the object

Private WithEvents myProcessorObj As EHL7.EHL7Processor


Private Sub Form_Load()

'Instantiate the object

Set myProcessorObj = New EHL7.EHL7Processor

myProcessorObj.IniFileName = "C:\EasyHL7\MyProfile.ini"

If Not myProcessorObj.OpenProfile() Then

       MsgBox myProcessorObj.LastError


       'Would display 'Profile filename does not exist or is not visible at this time'

End If

'Set the stop time property

myProcessorObj.StopTime = "02:00 AM"

myProcessorObj.PauseHours = "1"

If Not myProcessorObj.SaveProfile() Then

       MsgBox myProcessorObj.LastError


End If

End Sub


Private Sub CancelButton_Click


End Sub


See Also: Polling event