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<----------New In Version 4.x---------->


Now you can develop HL7 message processing solutions in the Commando HL7 Workbench and then deploy them for use with your EasyHL7 toolbox applications as 'run-time' modules.  Use the CommandoProcessor object to execute them and this method to configure the processor profile on the local computer.


Object: EHL7Interface.eUtilities

FileName: EHL7Interface.dll




Name: ShowCommandoProfile()


1.strFileName (String) the path / filename of the Commando Message Processor (.mpp)
2.strPassword (optional string = "") If the profile requires a password it can be passed here.
3.bShowPassword (optional boolean = True).  If the profile requires a password, the dialog will display an input field (see bottom).



Returns: Object (CommandoProcessor Object)

Description: Shows the built-in EasyHL7  Commando Message Processor run-time configuration window. 





This method works in conjunction with the Commando HL7 Workbench.  See the Commando and CommandoScript online documentation for how to create Message Processors.  You can also download a sample framework project that uses the CommandoProcessor object on our 'Samples and Examples' web page or download directly at:


The zip file which contains a sample application and source code (which is fully functional and ready to use) comes in 2 flavors, MS Visual Basic 6 and MS Visual Basic.Net 2005.




Screenshot with embedded password required