System and Hardware Requirements for the HL7+ Client


Microsoft Windows Operating System of a recent(ish) vintage. For instance, we've never certified it on Windows XP or Server 2000.

The Microsoft .Net Framework version 4.

Internet access. Further you must allow the Client Console programs (HL7PlusClient.exe AND HL7PlusClientService.exe) access to the internet through your firewalls, proxy, etc.

8 GB of RAM (just because Microsoft hates anything less). The Client Console software itself will only use 20-30 MB of RAM

100 MB of HDD space for the installation PLUS additional space as required for whichever HL7 features you are using.


animatedlinkNOTE: Depending on which of the HL7+ Features you are actually using your system requirements can change, but for typical usage the above system requirements are more than adequate.

HL7+ - Putting HL7 to work for you!
© 2018 HermeTech International
(a Division of TransWorld Scribes)