Installing the Simulator

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All installations are created in Microsoft Installation Packages (.msi) files.  You must have the Microsoft Installer (which is part of MS Windows since MS Windows 2000 SP2) on your computer.  If you don't it is available as a free download from Microsoft.


The HL7 Router Simulator application automatically installs with the Listener Service.  This section is directed toward installing the monitor application on other computers to enable remote monitoring of servers running the listener service.


After you have downloaded the Installation Package ( from the Hermetech Website, unzip it into a folder somewhere on your local computer or network share.  After you have done this you will see that the installation package has created four (4) subfolders.


1.Documentation - Contains this help file in several formats
2.Listener_Setup - Contains the setup files for the HL7 Listener and Router services
3.Monitor_Distribution - Contains a separate setup to install ONLY the system monitor application.
4.Simulator_Distribution - Contains a separate setup to install ONLY the HL7 Router Simulator application.




In the Simulator_Distribution folder run EasyHL7RouterSimulator.msi on any computer that can connect to a computer running an HL7 listener service to install the HL7 Router Simulator application (HT_Simulator.exe).  This is a standard windows setup wizard, just follow the prompts. 


To start the HL7 simulator application:


1.If you follow the default setup prompts, the monitor application will install in 'C:\Program Files\Hermetech'.  To open from the 'Start' menu in windows click 'Programs', then click 'HL7 Simulator' in the 'Hermetech HL7' group.
2.OR you can simply browse to the installation folder in MS Windows Explorer and double click the file HT_Simulator.exe 


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