HL7 Annotations


What are Annotations and how are they used

(c) 2007-2008 Hermetech International Ltd.

In the Segment Definitions window click the 'Annotations' button view / edit the annotations embedded in the Vendor Definition.


Simply put, Annotations are user notes embedded within the vendor definition. They can be invaluable for documenting vendor specific business rules or deviations from the HL7 standard. They are especially useful because they will show up in the EasyHL7 reports which can be exported for use in creating your own HL7 implementation documentation.


Annotations Window


Below shows an example of a business rule for a specific field documented with an annotation.


Annotation on a specific field within a segment


NOTE: A red icon in the tree indicates that the item has an annotation.


Including or excluding annotations from EasyHL7 Reports


Annotations will not appear in EasyHL7 reports unless the 'Flag' field in the EasyHL7 Segments window is checked.