MS Vista

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The EasyHL7 Mailbox Router will not run as a Windows Service on Windows Vista computers. You can still download and install the software, configure it and run local processors

but it is NOT compatible with the new UAC (User Account Control) security features in MS Windows Vista. You must have UAC disabled on any Vista computer running the program.


Disabling UAC in the Windows Control Panel:


Step 1: Open Control Panel


Step 2: Under 'User Account and Family Settings' click on the 'Add or Remove user Account'






Step 3: Click on ANY of the user accounts (guest for example).


Step 4: Under the user account click on 'Go to the main User Account Page'



Step 5: Under 'Make changes to your user account' click on 'Change Security Settings'





Step 6: In the "Turn on User Account Control (UAC) to make your computer more secure" click to UNCHECK the "Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer". Click on the Ok button.





Step 7: You will have to reboot the computer.








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