Method: SendHL7Message() |
Name: SendHL7Message() - 2 Overloads Parameters.1: intPortNumber (integer), strHL7Message (string) Parameters.2: strSendToIP (string), intPortNumber (integer), strHL7Message (string) Returns: Boolean Description: If sending an HL7 message to an UltraPort Router running on the same computer use Parameters.1, to send to a remote computer (or a specific IP address on the same computer) use Parameters.2.
NOTES: The strHL7Message parameter must be ONE (1) fully formed HL7 message in a string beginning with an MSH segment which your application has created. HermeTech recommends using a toolkit like the EasyHL7 Managed Code objects for Visual Studio for this task. If the HL7 contained in strHL7Message is enveloped with BOM and EOM characters (it is NOT required that they be) then they MUST match the values in the MessageBOM and MessageEOM properties. IMPORTANT: Sending HL7 data over TCP/IP is typically very, very fast (measured in milliseconds). The proxy toolkit connects to the router, sends the message, and waits for a short acknowledgement. And even though this roundtrip is usually very fast, you can use the WaitingForResponse event to 'break' this methods operation (as might be necessary if a form is closing OR a service is stopping, etc).