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Before we can complete your request you will need to login first. If you do not already have an account with us then you'll need to register (it only takes a moment).
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Q. Why do I have to login/register now?
A. In order to generate an invoice/price quote we must have a valid customer's account to attach it to. Then, when the invoice is paid your software license(s) can be activated immediately.

Remote Services Monitor

When implementing HL7 solutions of any kind the single greatest concern is ALWAYS is it up and running? By its very nature an HL7 solution requires that several different software systems, usually all on different computers, and probably all from different vendors be up and running and communicating simultaneously. A seemingly herculean task and a major reason why network administrators always look tired. At HermeTech International with our EasyHL7 products we pride ourselves on producing HL7 solution components that are both affordable AND reliable (that rare combination). That being said, we recognize (as you should) that there are many things that can happen which can cause a solution to stop working. Servers go down, networks go down, databases go down, VPNs go down, hard drives fill up or become corrupted, processors overheat, lightning strikes and etc, etc, etc!

A Solution

While we can't even pretend that we can prevent any of these things from happening, FINALLY a practical, affordable, reliable solution is available which can give you the edge when dealing with support issues like this. The answer? RSM! The Remote Services Monitor (RSM) allows you to see what's going on with your EasyHL7 Services (or ANY MS Windows Service applications) from anywhere with just an internet connection. Use the RSM Monitor application to see an up-to-the-minute status report of your own and/or your customer's EasyHL7 services and configure RSM alerts to generate and send emails if something goes wrong so that you can respond to small problems before they become big problems!

Want to know more?

Visit the RSM Website or leaf through the EasyHL7-RSM Companion documentation