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Object: EHL7Interface.eUtilities

FileName: EHL7Interface.dll




Name: VendorsXML()

Parameters: None

Returns: XML String

Description: Returns an XML string giving details about all of the vendors in an installation. Returns an Empty string ("") if an error occurs (See IsError/LastError).



Example XML String:



<VENDOR ID="63578DEA-9541-4663-B484-111919054FBC" NAME="Default" DESCRIPTION="EasyHL7 default vendor for version 2.3" VERSION="2.3" FIELDSEPARATOR="|" ENCODINGCHARS="^~\&" />

<VENDOR ID="10D80A28-6A2C-4AD3-8080-32924F02F0CE" NAME="Default" DESCRIPTION="" VERSION="2.4" FIELDSEPARATOR="|" ENCODINGCHARS="^~\&" />

<VENDOR ID="5ABE45FC963631449F077FA15F28E69B" NAME="Labcorp" DESCRIPTION="Labcorp vendor created by me" VERSION="2.3" FIELDSEPARATOR="|" ENCODINGCHARS="^~\&" />



*Notes: The ID attribute is the GUID assigned to the vendor, this ID number is used frequently throughout the system.  In the EasyHL7.exe program, this method is used to populate Listboxes for the user to select which vendor definition to use.


See Also: QSXML Object