'Stand-Alone' Templates

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'Stand-Alone' Templates


exporttemplatebutton"Stand-Alone" Templates are READ-ONLY HL7 Template Archivesanimatedlink which have been exported from an HL7 Template Library. Create a Stand-Alone template by clicking the Export Template button  in the Library Properties.


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Stand Alone Templates


HL7 Document Templates can ONLY be edited as part of a HL7 Template Library in the Template Editor module of the UltraPort HL7 Notepad. Likewise, the UltraPort HL7 Notepad is the ONLY program which can use a Template Library to publish documents. All other programs which can publish HL7 Templates (like the UltraPort HL7 Postmaster) must use "Stand-Alone" Templates.


This means that your design dynamic will work like this:


1.You create and test your HL7 Templates in the UltraPort HL7 Notepad working in a Template Library.

2.Once you are satisfied with a particular template you then EXPORT it to a stand-alone template which you can then deploy for use with other Publisher Enabled programs (like the UltraPort HL7 Postmaster).

3.While you cannot edit a stand-alone template (they are read-only) if changes or updates are needed you can always repeat steps 1 and 2, exporting the template again when changes have been completed and tested.

4.Remember that you can always IMPORT a stand-alone template back into your library whenever you like. See Creating a New Template.