Editing Vendor Definitions


Making changes to EasyHL7 Vendor Definitions

(c) 2007-2008 Hermetech International Ltd.

To edit EasyHL7 vendor definitions open the Segment Definitions window. To create a new HL7 segment you can click the 'New Segment' button and follow the prompts. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you create a new HL7 Segment you MUST immediately go into the segment elements and add at least 1 field to that segment. An HL7 segment which contains no fields will cause unexpected results (i.e. errors) in any EasyHL7 application which references that vendor definition.


EasyHL7 Segments Window


Important note for editing any part of the EasyHL7 Vendor definition. In every window you will see two options in the upper left corner 'Read Only' and 'Allow Update'. In order to make any changes the 'Allow Update' option must be checked (as shown above).


Changing Segment Descriptions


A change has been made but not saved


To change an HL7 segment description, simply type the new description in the Description field. As soon as you've made any change you will notice the 'Edited' flag will appear in the leftmost grid column indicating that a change has been made. After you have completed your change press the 'Enter' key on the keyboard or select another description to edit and the 'Save Segment(s)' button will appear. NOTE: Any time that the 'Save Segment(s)' button is visible is an indication that changes have been made but not yet saved! See screenshot below. After you have completed all of your changes click the 'Save Segment(s)' button. It's that easy!


Click the 'Save Segment(s)' button to commit changes


Deleting HL7 Segments


To delete an HL7 segment and remove it from your vendor definition simply click in the leftmost column of the segments list which will highlight the entire row (as shown below) and press the 'Del' (delete) key on your keyboard. IMPORTANT NOTE: Deleting segment definitions is a serious decision. Some segment definitions are absolutely required (particularly the MSH, MSA and PID segments) for any HL7 interface to function properly. Any decision to delete a segment definition should be considered carefully.


A 'selected' HL7 Segment