
HL7Vendors Object

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Object: EHL7.HL7Vendors

FileName: EHL7.dll


The HL7Vendors object is used as the direct interface to the vendor definitions.  This object is used by the EHL7Message object when parsing and creating HL7 messages and also by the EHL7Interface.eUtilities object to provide add/edit/update services to EasyHL7 Vendor definitions.


Within the world of EasyHL7 you will see many references to Vendors and Vendor definitions, and Vendor HL7 Versions, and VendorPath and so on and so forth.  When we speak of Vendors and Vendor Definitions we mean what is the specific HL7 layout/version which your solution will use to exchange data with a particular Trading Partner, Sending Application, Receiving Application etc.


We recommend that as you identify a "Vendor" you may wish to exchange HL7 data with that you immediately create an EasyHL7 Vendor Definition for them, it's simple to do and only takes a couple of minutes (see Creating Vendors), and that you use that vendor definition and deploy it with your solution. 


Deploying vendor definitions is easy as well,

See the following functions for more info: ExportVendor(), ImportVendor(), DeleteVendor(), InstallDefaultVendors(), Creating Vendors, GetVendorID()



Properties and Methods