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Release History

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Release History


What Is New in version 5.2.3?

Version 5.2.3 - Is a maintenance patch release with an enhancement.

The Patch: We have upgraded the TLS certificates on our secure web-servers that are used for ONLINE ACTIVATION. Prior installations of older versions will not be able to use ONLINE Activation and will be forced to use MANUAL activation.

The Enhancement: In the Global Settings we have added back an option from older versions of the UltraPort HL7 Router to allow you to decide whether you want the software to optimize your HL7 message data (recommended) when sending.



What Is New in version 5.2.1?

Version 5.2.1 - Has an enhancement.

The Enhancement: When creating or editing your router profiles (see Creating Router Profiles) you may now enter the Data Folder field manually by double-clicking in the field. All prior versions required that you browse for the Data Folder by clicking the browse button next to the field.


What Is New in version 5.1.6?

Version 5.1.6 - Version 5.1.6 has 2 minor bug-fixes.

Bug-Fix 1. HL7 messages were not being archived correctly (as configured in the Global Settings) if the router profile used Automatic in the 'Wait for Acknowledgement' settings and the HL7 message being delivered indicated that the receiver should never reply with an ACK (NE). This has been corrected.

Bug-Fix 2 Pt 1 - How the Router Works: The bug itself is really very minor (IE no loss of data is reported) but annoying if you encounter it and requires some lengthy explanation. When running the UltraPort Router Profile the system examines the data folder for HL7 data files. When discovered the HL7 data files are opened and any HL7 messages contained therein are removed and written out to discrete files in a sub-folder of the data folder called UPR_QUEUE. It is from this UPR_QUEUE sub-folder that HL7 messages are actually sent. If you watch these folders while running you can see this by, for instance, dropping a file containing 10 HL7 messages into the data folder and watch the running router create 10 discrete files in the UPR_QUEUE sub-folder and then delete the source file.

Bug-Fix 2 Pt 2 - The Bug Itself: The bug would manifest itself IF some form of system or disk related error occurred when writing a file into the UPR_QUEUE sub-folder. The router software has always successfully detected if/when these types of errors occur BUT what we have discovered is that occasionally when this error occurred the file-write operation had gotten far enough to actually create a file in the folder but failed to populate the file with data which would leave an artifact file (0 bytes) behind in the UPR_QUEUE folder. The bug is annoying in that once the 0 byte file exists in the UPR_QUEUE folder the router profile would halt processing (actually just endlessly wait) for that 0 byte file to be removed manually. NOTE: disk-write errors like this are usually symptoms of a larger system problem like a failing or badly fragmented HDD.

Bug-Fix 2 Pt 3 - How we fixed it: All of that explanation and build-up to tell you that we now make sure that any 0 byte files are purged from the UPR_QUEUE folder as well as adding extra event logging so that you can track movements of individual HL7 messages from the data folder to the UPR_QUEUE folder. To see the extra logging set the System Log Level to maximum in the Global Settings.


What Is New in version 5.1.1?

Version 5.1.1 - Version 5.1.1 is a minor enhancement release. You now have the ability to set CPU affinity for all router processes (see Global Settings).


What Is New in version 5.0.3?

Version 5.0.3 - Version 5.0.3 is a bug-fix and minor enhancement release and addresses a minor program error which manifested in version 5.0. When creating and editing Router Profiles the configuration was not saving or loading the HL7 Acknowledgment logic flags and in particular the instruction which would tell the Router when/whether to wait for an HL7 Acknowledgment to be returned from the HL7 listener. The available options are Always, Never, and Automatic  (See Creating Router Profiles), and the program was ignoring the user selection and always using the default value Automatic.

A product enhancement was also added in the form of a "Right Click" menu in your list of Router Profiles visible in the Main Window.


What Was New in version 5.0.0?

Version 5.0.0 - Version 5 is a major version release and introduced many new features and options to the UltraPort HL7 Router product. Some of these include: Native compatibility for the MS Windows 64 Bit operating systems, the addition of 2 extra MS Windows Services for customers running multiple router profiles, a completely redesigned and integrated UltraPort Router Monitor, the ability to test a connection to the destination HL7 Listener and many more.

What Was New in version 4.1.0?

Version 4.1.0 - Version 4.1.0 is a maintenance release for compatibility with our new Short Term Licenses (see Software Licenses for more information).


What Was New in version 4.0.1?

Version 4.0.1 - Version 4.0.1 is an enhancement release only which increases the maximum length of the field for the DNS Host Name option in the "Edit Profile" window from 15 characters to 30 characters.


What Was New in version 4.0.0?

Version 4.0.0 - The UltraPort HL7 Router has been a completely stable workhorse program for years. Literally 100s of millions of HL7 messages have been safely and accurately delivered by the UltraPort Router over its lifespan to date. Version 4 is a "maintenance" release. This means that there were no patches or additional functionality added, but it's a very important one for existing users. Starting with Version 4 the UltraPort Router has been updated and now requires the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0. This can affect customers wanting to upgrade their existing installations on older computers/servers. See the System Requirements for more information.


What Was New in version 3.1.2?

Version 3.1.2 - Version 3.1.2 Addresses a problem with version 3.1.0 in that the new VM (virtual machine) licenses were not being created correctly on client computers and thus special VMware features and behavior were not being registered and causing the license to become invalid if a CPU was added or removed from the VM. Version 3.1.2 corrects this issue. If currently running any version >= 3.0 than all that is required is to download and install the latest version over your current installation and start the configuration program once. If running a version prior to version 3.0 then you will need to download and install the new version and then go through the "move" license process (see Moving Licenses to Another Computer)


What Was New in version 3.1.1?

Version 3.1.1 - Version 3.1.1 is a maintenance release to allow compatibility with some new license types for the UltraPort Router being added by HermeTech.


What Was New in version 3.1.0?

Version 3.1 - An exciting new connectivity feature allows you to identify your destination HL7 listener by the DNS Host Name. Prior versions required that you enter a TCP/IP address for the remote destination server. See Router Profiles for more information.


What Was New in version 3.0.0?

Version 3.0 - A mandatory maintenance release. Version 3.0.0 was a mandatory release for all future installations of the UltraPort HL7 TCP/IP Router due to HermeTech moving our online installation portal to a new server.


What Was New in version 2.0.3?

Version 2.0.3 is a maintenance release to update the underlying HL7 handling objects to the latest versions of our HL7 Toolkit in preparation for the next release version 2.1 expected later this summer.

A patch was applied to handle a slightly non-standard HL7 Acknowledgement being returned by an HL7 Listener product from Canada Telecom.

What Was New in version 2.0?

An issue was reported whereby IF you had checked option #7 in the Global Settings (HL7 Message Optimization) then any HL7 message field which was a REPEATING field was being truncated if it contained more than 25 repeating elements. This has been fixed.

In the router profile optional settings the wait for acknowledgement timeout allowable values has been increased from 5 seconds to 30 seconds.

In the router profile optional settings the acknowledgement retry count allowable values has been increased from 5 to 15.

What Was New in version 1.6.1?

A clarification and fix was put in place to address issues of excessive CPU Usage being reported. The issue could occur when the target HL7 listener would close the TCP/IP connection during idle time (if the Keep Connection Open flag in the Router Profile is checked) or if the connection to the target listener was force closed during message transmission (either by the listener, a network outage, or blockage). This could result in the system CPU monitor displaying excessive usage (50-100%) which is caused by the .Net framework's internal code. While the CPU monitor would show excessive CPU usage, it does NOT significantly impact system performance (much like the System Idle process). See HERE for more information.

The CONNECTION DROPPED event is now being logged to each profiles LOG file if your system log level is not set to NONE.

What Was New in version 1.5.4?

A minor bug was fixed in that file maintenance was not purging aged log / archived files correctly. The bug was data-harmless in that the files were being left on the file system longer than configured rather than being purged too soon.

The CONNECTION FAILED event is now being logged to each profiles LOG file if your system log level is not set to NONE.




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